Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Seasonal Greetings

Megan Frazier Photography
Summer has come and gone...again! Now, school schedules, sporting events and the holiday season threaten to sweep us through fall and right into New Years. With so many special dates approaching, gifts to buy and greetings to send, it is easy to get caught up in planing out tomorrows, only to lose today.

This August our youngest son turned fifteen, began high school and reached the height of 6'2". Our young boy has changed into a young man in a matter of months. I can hardly believe childhood is 3/4 of the way over for our son. Pictures are all I have left of my fourteen year old and the boy he used to be. Praise the Lord for digital cameras!

Each summer our daughter-in-law, Megan, captures our ever-maturing son through her lens. Thankfully her talent to capture character preserves more than just a moment in time. Jake really lives and breathes in her work. The result is a wonderful collection of smirks and smiles this mother adores and happily creates photo books and wall art with. A simple way to keep the day to day moments of our life about us, while preserving our yesterdays.

Since I began my Send Out Cards business, I have truly discovered its ability to ground me in the present. While it began with me simply sending birthday greetings to my family and friends, it has grown into a daily tool. A tool I use in a myriad of ways to aide, support and minister to others. Sending out encouragement, gratitude and love keeps my heart focused on what is truly important in this life. And I continue to be amazed at the power of a sincere greeting card.

Today I am sending out photo cards of my Freshman man child to family and friends who live out of state. Providing a simple peek into this season of our life and a  sincere request of how we can be praying for them.

I am so thankful for the simplicity of Send Out Cards and the way it helps me be a better me!

How about you? Are you looking for a wonderful way to stay connected with those dear to you? Perhaps you're due for a change in communication. Why not allow this to become your season of sending!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Send Out Cards: Getting Back to Meaningful Mail

New Years at Frazier's

It had been a long time since I had thought to get the mail. The chore of collecting catalogs and such had years ago been passed to my husband. After all, the mail had unfortunately become a daily delivery of unwanted ads and bills. Outside of Christmas and birthdays it was rare to find anything worth while in the postbox. Still, there is no denying that spark when you get something special in the mail. You know what I'm talking about right? That feeling you get when you spot a greeting card sized envelope in the mix. But technology has changed the way most people connect. Between email, texting and Facebook, few use snail mail. The world lives life online and that means I do too. Well, that is until I received my first Send Out Card greeting.

I was surprised when I first noticed the card. It was past the holidays and my birthday was months away. Still, I could feel a bit of excitement stirring within me. Intrigued I glanced at the return address printed in the upper left hand corner of the envelope. It was from our good friends, Trin and Joe. The rest of the mail dropped on the counter as I began fumbling to open the envelope. I thought a letter opener would be helpful, but had not a clue where to find one. Caught in the moment, I risked a paper cut as I slid my finger under the sealed flap. Pulling the card free, I quickly tried guessing what it might be..."an invitation or announcement," I thought to myself. Opening the card I discovered I was wrong.

Trin and Joe simply sent my husband and I a "Just Because" card. In it they expressed how thankful they were for our friendship and the fun we had when we got together. There was a picture of my husband and I posing with the two of them on the cover of the card. Memories of that get-together crossed my mind. I stood for a few minutes looking over the card and feeling the warmth of friendship wash over me. The card was such an unexpected blessing. It made my day. I not only read it a couple of times, I proudly displayed it on the counter. It was fun to see my husband experience the same reaction to the card later that evening.

A year later, I am not only receiving Send Out Cards and gifts in the mail...I am sending them. The joy of celebrating life, and keeping in touch with dear friends and family through cards is so much FUN! It's not only a blessing, it's my new ministry. I still communicate through email and texts. But I also send out love and friendship daily through Send Out Cards.


Celebrate Life One Card at a Time

Celebrate Life One Card at a Time
Create Meaningful Cards from Memorable Moments